Want to Burn Fats ?

Stumble upon this great article about fat loss, Great stuff I tell you, read and apply. Its written by Deborah Shulman of Active.com and I feel that I should share this with all the people who wants to burn more fats out there, check it out, Oh I need it too, I am having 8kg of extra lard around my whole body, my fat anaylsis body scale keeps telling me I am stable after analyzing my body fat content and my bone mass structure, but I guess they dont take muscle mass into consideration. SO it means I am still a lump of marshmallow in the eyes of loved one ! Oh did I mentioned that I got my Garmin FR60 yesterday, took it for a spin and it was awesome, the virtual partner is a creep, running so fast and not waiting for me, by the first 2km he left me in the dust by nearly 2min. what a jerk ! LOL ! will do a un-boxing for the FR60 tonight, but here is the article by Deborah.

Arctic birds can fly 47 mph for 100 hours at a stretch during their
annual migration of 7,800 miles. Grey whales travel from Alaska to
Mexico at 5 mph for three weeks without eating. Tarahumara Indians of
Mexico have been known to chase deer until the deer collapses in
exhaustion, its hooves worn away.

These incredible feats of endurance and speed are fueled by fat.
Like migratory animals, the capacity to burn large amounts of fat for
fuel is in the human genetic code. Unlike migratory animals, however,
if humans dont use it, they lose the capacity to burn fat.

People who are out of shape instead have to rely on limited
carbohydrate supplies for energy. One gram of carbohydrate has only 4
calories of energy compared to 9 calories in each gram of fat.

The more fat you burn, the more energy you can generate and the better your endurance.

A study of Chris Boardman, after he set cyclings famed one-hour time
trial world record, revealed that he could burn 1 one pound of fat in
three hours of riding compared to 18 hours it took for recreational
cyclists to burn an equivalent amount of fat.

The ability to use fat for fuel is something you teach your body to
do, and the benefits extend far beyond exercise. Exercise and diet
strategies can develop your metabolic potential to burn fat, allowing
your body to burn more fat all the time.

Someone who is just starting an exercise program can expect
substantial changes in just two weeks. After 12 weeks, fat burning can
be increased by as much as 40%.

Time your food intake. Try to avoid eating for the two hours prior
to exercise. Best yet, exercise first thing in the morning on an empty
stomach. When you eat foods that contain carbohydrate and/or protein,
insulin levels increase in the blood. Insulin reduces fat metabolism in
the muscle and blocks fat leaving the fat tissue. The end result is
lowered use of fat for fuel.

It is also important to include two servings of "good fat" in your
daily diet, such as salad dressings, peanut butter, avocado, almonds,
salmon or olives.

Long exercise sessions send a strong signal to increase fat burning.
For the first 20 – 30 minutes of an exercise session, or until you’re
warmed up, the fuel mix your muscles burn will be high in
carbohydrates. After that, a combination of hormone release and
increased oxygen supply will change the fuel mix to include higher
amounts of fat.

Unfortunately, many people stop exercising just when their muscles are starting to burn fat.

After an hour of exercise and again at three hours, fat burning is
increased even further. Include one long exercise session in your
training program each week. Build up time by increasing the length of
your longest session by 10 – 15 minutes each week.

Multisport athletes may want to do a long training session in each
sport. More than that can result in excess fatigue, injury and illness
and interfere with training.

How long you go depends on your goals. Someone who is exercising for
basic fitness or weight control may want to build up to two hours of
continuous exercise. A marathon runner would get the most benefit from
a three-hour run. A cyclist or Ironman athlete may want to build up to
five to six hours.

Successful ultra-runners have been known to have training sessions
of eight hours. However, the point of diminishing returns appears to be
three hours.

How hard you go makes a big difference in fat burning. During
aerobic training sessions, your target heart rate should be at the top
of the fat burning zone, or the intensity where your muscles are
burning the highest amount of fat. For most people, this is around 65%
to 70% of maximum heart rate. This is the point where you can hear
yourself breathe, and any talking will be interrupted.

If you cant talk, youre going too hard. If you can chat with ease,
youre going too easy and youre just not sending enough of a signal.

After basic fat metabolism has been established, sprint training can
increase fat metabolism even further. However, it must be emphasized
that a foundation of aerobic training and strength should be built

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