Runners Lingo

Do you get confused when you are with a bunch of friends who are runners and they start talking like whats your PR, Vo2Max ..etc.. etc.. well fret not just take a look at the couple of terms I have put up for your reference, or maybe you want to impress the runner girl and you just don’t know how to start a conversation, Read on so the next time you wont be lost in the conversation, So Join the fun… Join the Run.

I am sure there are many more terms and lingos, if you do have any terms you would like to clarify or add on, Please do so at the comment box below. I would be happy to answer all your questions.

Technical Terms

  • VO2 = VO2 Max, Maximum volume of oxygen (O2) that can be absorbed by the body
  • LSD = Long Slow Distance run
  • HR = Heart Rate
  • HRMAX = Maximum Heart Rate, useful to get 60% and 85% values for training effect
  • RHR = Resting Heart Rate
  • Tempo = Tempo runs help you develop your anaerobic or lactate threshold which is critical for running faster.
  • Tapering = This reduced training phase gives runners a chance to rest, recover, and mentally prepare for their race


  • OR = Olympic Record
  • WR = World Record
  • NR = National Record
  • CR = Competition Record/Commonwealth record
  • PR = Personal Record (Others might use PB for Personal Best)
  • PW = Personal Worst
  • DFL = Dead freaking last, a proud and honoured tradition.
  • DNF = Did Not Finish
  • DNS = Did not start
  • DNQ = Did not qualify

And if all else fail and you are just not the runner you are.. the card below will say it all 🙂 HAve a Fabulous weekend guys !


4 responses

  1. santhi

    Pace?? Still clueless… Oh the heel drop during shoe-talk as well ;))


    30/08/2013 at 10:13 am

  2. Good stuff to know!


    31/08/2013 at 1:33 pm

    • Thanks Angelina, yup… it is .. so you will be able to talk like a pro now, have fun



      02/09/2013 at 10:58 am

  3. suannchonglee

    Reblogged this on Fitness, Fun and Food!.


    09/09/2013 at 6:40 pm

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